About Installation Folder, Projects, and Acquisition Folders:
To download the Software Installation .zip folder, go to the Software download zone (https://www.phylumtech.com/home/en/support/), right-click the link, and choose “save link as” to download the file.
Once you download the .zip file, you will need to manually unzip the files inside. You will find the following files:
Depending on the device version, you will have a WMicroSmartx1.exe or WMicroSmartx8.exe executable file inside the .zip.
Please move these files into a new folder. It is important to note that SMART software requires installation in a simple folder (no spaces, no special characters). To do this, we recommend creating a folder named C:\smart\ and copying the files inside. (Avoid copying the folder to the desktop or my documents, or into a folder with a very long name.)
Note for nerds: This requirement is because we are using C++ language to process data in real time, and the passing of parameters in the current version does not allow spaces.
In this sense, the file you will have inside the folder after installation will be:
The WMicroSmartx8.exe (or x1) is the software itself, and Z_files are complementary executable files called by the software to run in the background.
For easy access to the program, it is a good practice to create a shortcut on the desktop pointing to your installed executable file. To do this, right-click on the executable (WMicroSmartx8.exe or x1) and choose ‘create a shortcut’.
Structure of directories:
Once you start acquiring experiments, you will see that projects are created in the installation directory. Inside each project, you will have the acquisition files sorted by date. All raw data, images, and reports are saved into these acquisition folders.
If you like to access the folder through a network, you should share this folder with your workgroup. If you like to transfer the experiments to another computer for analysis, you should copy the project or acquisition folder. Try keeping the name simple without spaces to be loaded. Acquisition folders needs to have the name yyyymmdd_hhmm to be accessible by the software.
Please remember to keep the structure project.acquisition folder in order to allow the software to read and access the data.
Example of data structure:
We recommend periodically checking the phylumtech.com website for software updates, or just send us an email to check if there is any important upgrade.
Known Troubleshooting Issues:
1) Wrong installation folder: If you place the software into a folder with special characters, you will get a message at the starting:
The software will open, but you will not be able to process the data or acquire new experiments.
2) Antivirus/Firewall Blocks: If your antivirus is preventing the executable from running, you won’t be able to open/process the data. Ask your IT administrator to manually add an antivirus exception to the .exe executable files